Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tarna Goes Meterless!

Tarna, from this point forward, will be one of the first panther sims to return to non-metered status. While the meter is an rp tool, all too often use of a meter causes unwanted side-effects and draws unwanted guests. As such, along with our commitment to roleplay, we will be eliminating meters in favor of rp combat. This format requires roleplayers to be mature, sharing roleplayers, willing to give and take. We know everyone from Tarna has this level of maturity, and hope that our growing number of visitors will maintain this as well. Enjoy your roleplay everyone, and we hope you find this new step toward focusing on roleplay to be an appropriate holiday gift!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
~Tarna Admin Team

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Help Wanteds!

The trading post on Tarna Island is seeking a few people to help secure and encourage the trade that goes on there. If you're a sailor, caravan leader, smuggler, or guard and are interested in obtaining work, contact Jonah Sands at the post!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Welcome Jonah!

Everyone please make Jonah feel welcome! He's our new chief merchant in the trading post and is already taking active steps to draw guards, sailors, and other trade to our shores, as well as discussing ways to regulate trade between the post and the camp. We're really excited to have someone who's already so motivated. Thank you for joining the team Jonah, and welcome!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Welcome everyone to the Tarna Island Forest blog. Here we'll be sharing sim news and updates, fun tidbits, hints for sim-wide rp, and various other things. If you have anything you'd like to add, please contact Dream Resistance.

Lets start with a few of the new tools available to Tarna sim members. First, we have our very own Flickr group, which will show pictures in a slideshow in the sidebar here. Everyone, please feel free to join this Flickr group. Its by invite only, so go to this link: and attempt to join. It should give you the option of sending the admins a message for an invite. Go for it and I'll accept you so you can post your pics. Please keep the group rules in mind. Pics must be from Tarna, no porno (though the group is 18+), and if it happened during rp, please give a caption or a link to the Gor3an recording.

Speaking of Gor3an, this is a nifty little hud. Basically, it allows roleplayers to hit "record" during rp and have that rp sent to a website where it is stored. Also, clues can be dropped in locations, and the HUD used to access those hints. To obtain a Gor3an HUD, please go to the Tarna landing zone and "buy" (its free) from the pedistal. Read the directions and you'll be on your way. Check it out!

Over the next few days, we'll be increasing efforts to make our presence known. This includes renting "recruitment" space at the Gor HUB and the Panther HUB. We're actively seeking a merchant to run the trading post and get active trade rp going there. But at the end of the day, our best recruitment tool is you! So, as we increase efforts to give you guys weird little perqs, and as our rep grows across SL Gor, I hope to see more and more of you, whether in camp, in the woods, or at the trading post. Enjoy rping!
